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Danh sách các trường Đại học, Cao đẳng/ Nghề tại Úc thuộc dạng xét VISA ưu tiên ( Từ 23/11/2014)

  • Thứ Năm, 20 Tháng 08 2015 11:02
  • Lượt xem: 5.174

SVP - Streamlined Visa Processing là chính sách của chính phủ Úc áp dụng cho việc xin VISA sinh viên du học Úc. Theo đây những hồ sơ xin visa vào các trường được liệt kê trong danh sách SVP sẽ được xét theo cấp độ 1 - cấp độ ít rủi ro nhất. Chính sách này được áp dụng từ ngày 23/11/2014.

Danh sách này bao gồm 115 trường (Đại học và Cao đẳng/Nghề). Các sinh viên khi xin visa để nhập học tại các trường này sẽ không cần nộp giấy tờ chứng minh tài chính và chứng chỉ tiếng Anh tại lãnh sự quán Úc, thời gian xét duyệt visa nhanh, chỉ khoảng1-2 tuần.

Danh sách 115 trường thuộc diện xét duyệt Visa ưu tiên SVP:

41 trường Đại học:

1.      Australian Catholic University

2.      Australian National University

3.      Bond University

4.      Carnegie Mellon University

5.      Charles Darwin University

6.      Charles Sturt University

7.      Central Queensland University

8.      Curtin University of Technology

9.      Deakin University

10.  Edith Cowan University

11.  Federation University Australia (tên cũ là University of Ballarat)

12.  Flinders University

13.  Griffith University

14.  James Cook University

15.  La Trobe University

16.  Macquarie University

17.  Monash University

18.  Murdoch University

19.  Queensland University of Technology

20.  RMIT University

21.  Southern Cross University

22.  Swinburne University of Technology

23.  The University of Adelaide

24.  The University of Melbourne

25.  The University of New England

26.  The University of New South Wales

27.  The University of Newcastle

28.  The University of Notre Dame Australia

29.  The University of Queensland

30.  The University of Sydney

31The University of Western Australia

32.  University of Canberra

33.  University College London

34.  University of South Australia

35.  University of Southern Queensland

36.  University of Tasmania

37.  University of Technology Sydney

38.  University of the Sunshine Coast

39.  University of Western Sydney

40.  University of Wollongong

41.  Victoria University


Đăng ký TẠI ĐÂY để được tư vấn tốt nhất và hoàn toàn miễn phí về tất cả chương trình học, cũng như về những trường Đại học tại Úc

74 trường Cao đẳng/Nghề:

42.  Academies Australasia Institute

43.  Academies Australasia Polytechnic Pty Limited, (AAPoly, AMI Education)

44.  Academique Pty Ltd

45.  Academy of Information Technology

46.  Acumen Institute of Further Education

47.  Alphacrucis College

48.  St. Peter Institute

49.  Asia Pacific International College

50.  Academia International & Academia Australia

51.  Australian College of Technology and Business Pty Ltd

52.  Australian Institute of Professional Education 

53.  Australian Pacific College Brisbane

54.  Sydney Institute of Interpreting & Translating

55.  Australian Professional Skills Institute

56.  Australian School of Management

57.  Australian Vocational Learning Centre Pty Ltd

58.  Avondale College of Higher Education

59.  Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School

60.  Cambridge International College

61.  Canberra Institute of Technology

62.  Cass Training International College

63.  Education and Training International

64.  Durban International College

65.  Envirotech Institute of Education

66.  EQUALS International

67.  Evolution Hospitality Institute

68.  Flight Training Adelaide

69.  Grand Academy

70.  Gurkhas Institute of Hospitality & Management, Royal Gurkhas Institute of Technology (RGIT) Australia

71.  Australian Institute of Commerce & Technology

72.  Harvest Education Technical College

73.  Holmesglen Institute

74.  IBN College Pty Ltd, SIBN

75.  International College of Hotel Management

76.  Imagine Education Australia

77.  International College of Management, Sydney

78.  JMC Academy

79.  Le Cordon Bleu Australia Pty Limited [02380M]

80.  Le Cordon Bleu Australia Pty Ltd [01818E]

81.  Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd

82.  Queensford College, Q Learning (Malekhu Investments Pty Ltd)

83.  Melbourne Institute of Training and Technology Pty. Ltd

84.  Menzies Institute of Technology

85.  Metro College of Technology Pty Ltd

86.  Australian College of Applied Psychology, Navitas College of Public Safety

87.  City Institute (Nortwest Pty Ltd)

88.  Australian Learning, Training & Education Centre (Pass Global Pty Ltd)

89.  Perth Institute of Business and Technology

90.  Queensland International Institute (Ram Optics Pty Ltd)

91.  SAE Institute; Qantm College

92. Southern Cross Education Institute Pty Ltd

93.  AVETA - Australian Vocational Education & Training Academy (SRAGILL Pty Ltd)

94.  St Stephen Institute of Technology

95.  Danford College (Star Gazers Education Pty Ltd)

96.  Strathfield College, Sydney Jacaranda College

97.  Martin College, Embassy English, Taylors Unilink, Taylors College, Flinders International Study Centre, ANU College, Australian Institute of Applied Sciences, ACPE Academy (Study Group Australia Pty Limited)

98.  Sunraysia Institute of TAFE

99.  Sydney School of  Business and Technology

100.  TAFE Queensland Brisbane

101.  TAFE Queensland SkillsTech

102.  TAFE South Australia

103.  TAFE NSW Technical and Further Education Commission; TAFE NSW Higher Education

104.  Kangan Institute (The Bendigo Kangan Institute)

105.  Kent Institute of Business & Technology (The Centre of Academic Excellence Pty Ltd)

106.   APM College of Business and Communication, Australasian College of Natural Therapies, Billy Blue College of Design, Jansen Newman Institute, Southern School of Natural Therapies, William Blue College of Hospitality Management, Australian National College (Think: Colleges Pty Ltd)

107.   Universal Institute of Technology, Universal English

108.   VIT (Victorian Institute of Technology)

109.   Wentworth Institute

110.   West Australian Institute of Further Studies

111.   Westminster College

112.   William Angliss Institute

113.   Australian Pacific College, Southern Cross High School (Young Rabbit Pty Ltd)

114.   Zarah Institute of Education Pty Ltd

115.   Zenith Business Academy


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